Brett Howard - Single-One Leg Circle (20 mins) - Level N/A

Pilates Anytime Latest Classes

Brett Howard - Single-One Leg Circle (20 mins) - Level N/A

Brett Howard breaks down the One Leg Circle by looking at which parts of the body are mobile and which parts are stable. He shows basic variations that can be used as building blocks to the full version, which Joseph Pilates included in his book, Return to Life. Brett also uses props and plays with timing to ensure good control and form.

Pilates Anytime - Facebook Marketing Tips (40 mins) - Level N/A

This free workshop is designed to help both Pilates teachers and Pilates studio owners grow their Pilates businesses using Facebook. The workshop outlines the basics of setting up a Facebook account exclusively for business use and how to create a Facebook Page for business. It also discusses how to write interesting posts, explores how to build a Facebook community, and proposes ways to keep that community engaged. If you feel that we have left any topics out, believe certain topics should have been explored in greater detail, or have suggestions for future video topics, we would love to hear your feedback in the comments section below. Free Facebook Marketing 39m 40s Chapter 1 Introduction 2m 51s Chapter 2 What is a Facebook Page? 2m 5s Chapter 3 Before Creating a Page 1m 52s Chapter 4 Creating a Page 14m 46s Chapter 5 Facebook Analytic Tool 1m 11s Chapter 6 Facebook Events 4m 8s Chapter 7 Posting Best Practices 4m 14s Chapter 8 Adding Post Filters 1m 45s Chapter 9 How to Make Engaging Posts 5m 12s Chapter 10 Promoting Your Page 0m 52s Chapter 11 Delegating Page Management 0m 34s Chapter 12 Conclusion 0m 20s

David Freeman - David Freeman on Romana (30 mins) - Level N/A

David Freeman was a lawyer when he met Romana Kryzanowska, and he decided to become a Pilates instructor because he was inspired by her spirit. He talks about how he gained confidence from Pilates and how it had the power to be transformational when it was taught correctly. David also tells us how Romana was the torch bearer and it is up to her students to maintain that torch.

Dawn-Marie Ickes - Daily Dose of Posture (50 mins) - Level N/A

Dawn-Marie Ickes is here to give you your daily dose of what your body needs, emphasizing form over force. The dose is five to 15 minutes of movements performed every day that are essential to your body's health, posture, and function. In this tutorial, explore in-depth, the Roll-down, Swan Prep, Spine Stretch Forward, Butterfly, and lumbo-pelvic stabilization.

Shelly Power - Modifying for Wrist Pain (10 mins) - Level N/A

In this tutorial, Shelly Power gives a few solutions to help you lessen your wrist pain when you are weight bearing on your hands. She explains why you have pain, and how you can use the muscles in your forearms and around your shoulders for support. Shelly also offers a few modifications for chronic problems like Carpel Tunnel.

Mary Bowen - Release Tension Patterns (60 mins) - Level N/A

Join Mary Bowen as she teaches new ways to release chronic tension patterns through subtle, nuanced proprioception of one?s own body. She shows how to eliminate holding patterns which inhibit breathing. We all have such patterns, so it is important to take care of our bodies. Objectives - Learn how to look at animals, especially cats, to see how you should be able to move - Learn yawning exercises to help release tension in the jaw and shoulders - Learn new ways to find more space in the body and eliminate strain in the lower back

Pilates Anytime - Training Program Types (Custom mins) - Level N/A

This tutorial offers a brief overview of the different types of Pilates teacher training education available, ranging from your basic Mat certification to advanced and specialty instructor training.This video is intended to be a generalized overview only. We strongly suggest that each student conduct his or her own independent research to determine which training program type her or she is personally most suited to.For more information, watch our accompanying video on Comprehensive Pilates Teacher Training Programs.

Amy Taylor Alpers and Rachel Taylor Segel - Amy and Rachel on Romana (30 mins) - Level N/A

Amy Taylor Alpers and Rachel Taylor Segel tell us how they found out about Pilates and what drew them to Romana Kryzanowska. They describe Romana's great energy and how she had eagle eyes in the studio. Amy and Rachel also reveal what they believe to be Romana's greatest contributions to the Pilates method.

Michael Fritzke and Ton Voogt - Open Leg Rocker (25 mins) - Level N/A

Michael and Ton analyze the Open Leg Rocker in this in-depth tutorial. They demonstrate common mistakes with this exercise, and they offer many variations to assist or challenge you in the exercise. They also tell us how Romana said it was Joseph Pilates' favorite exercise, and how he even had photos of bears in the Open Leg Rocker position!

Shelly Power - Exploring the Hip Joint (10 mins) - Level N/A

Join Shelly Power as she explores the hip joint and a few of the common issues with the hips. She looks at why your hip pops during certain exercises, why your hip hurts when you lie on your side, and what to avoid if you've had a hip replacement. Shelly's explanations and advice will help you with the alignment of your pelvis so you can decrease the pain or popping in your hips.

Pilates Anytime - Choosing a Training Program (10 mins) - Level N/A

If you're interested in becoming a Pilates Instructor, this video is for you. There are so many different Comprehensive Pilates Teacher Training Programs available to choose from that it is easy to become overwhelmed when deciding which one to select. In this video, we review factors that you should consider that may help make your decision easier. We also discuss the benefits of being a member of the Pilates Method Alliance and what it means to be a PMA Certified Pilates Teacher. This video is intended to be a generalized overview only. We strongly suggest that you conduct your own independent research to determine which training program is the right fit for you. To assist you with organizing your research, we have created a checklist handout of the topics covered in this video.

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