Yoga Anytime Latest Classes
Eden Flynn - Connecting with Light and Love (10 mins) - Level All Levels
Eden guides us through a gentle and loving meditation designed to connect us with our babies and ourselves. With keen awareness of the light within and around us, her sweet soothing voice will calm and ground you.
Julia Berkeley - Bhakti Flow (60 mins) - Level 1/2
Ignite the heart. Julia guides us in a delightful Bhakti flow sequence to awaken the heart and create more space in the body. She shares a soft, gentle breathing technique designed to expand the heart energy and to relax the nervous system in preparation for meditation.
Kira Ryder - Sage Advice, Sutra 1.33. (20 mins) - Level N/A
One definition of Yoga is "the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind." Kira shares some of the practical suggestions offered by Patanjali in Yoga Sutra 1.33, to help us find this peace of mind. She takes us through a simple meditative exploration of the qualities of friendliness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity.
Sarah Lowe - Breaking Down the Suns (50 mins) - Level 2
Sarah unpacks the small details of Surya Namaskar A and B to allow this challenging pattern to feel more accessible and inviting. Her genuine interest in helping you will inspire you to use these tools for this invigorating and effective sequence.
Sarah Lowe - The Elements of Ashtanga (10 mins) - Level N/A
Underneath the umbrella of yoga, there are so many different styles of practice. Sarah explains the 5 key elements of the Ashtanga Practice- bandhas, ujayyi pranayama, drishti, vinyasa, and repetition.
Patricia Sullivan - Hamstring Stretch at Wall (10 mins) - Level 1
In this variation of supta pandangusthasana at the wall, Patricia shares safe and effective techniques to stretch the hamstrings. This practice is designed to relieve tight hamstrings, resulting in a feeling of freedom and openness in the pelvis and legs.
Kate Smith - Courageous Commited Conduit (75 mins) - Level 2
We receive more if we are grounded. Kate weaves together the short movement patterns explored in earlier episodes to make a complete sequence. We begin with a fluid juicing of the spine. Then with keen attention to the deep intrinsic muscles, we move through a standing sequence designed to build capacity, strength, and courage to commit. We finish with a luxurious forward fold and savasana. You will feel open, grounded, and available.
Kira Ryder - Downward Facing Dog (5 mins) - Level All Levels
Eden Flynn - Intro- Yoga for 2 (1 mins) - Level N/A
It is important to take the time to nourish ourselves. This series is designed for any stage of pregnancy and it will help you connect more to your body and your baby. You will be able to prepare for labor while you you are strengthening, lengthening, and opening your body.
Eden Flynn - Power in the Pelvis (30 mins) - Level N/A
Join Eden, Kristen, and Uschi in a dynamic fluid sequence to explore flexibility, ease, and strength in the pelvis. Eden and Uschi are in their 3rd trimester, while Kristen is in her 2nd. The sequence begins seated, flows to standing, and closes with a seated meditation. You will feel energized and open.
Julia Berkeley and Saul David Raye - Backyard Chanting (10 mins) - Level N/A
Taste the nectar of pure presence. Julia and Saul guide us in the chant, Radhe Govinda, accompanied by a harmonium and a guitar. This practice will inspire a flow of joy and connection in the heart.
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